Adding Extra Tracks
During demuxing Extra tracks can be added with the
--extra args
The folder will be scan add a simple dictionary list will be created
This is meant for adding for example subtitles that from another mkv that you have extracted
Most keys will have placeholders that you will have to manually change
Additionally some keys will only effect some track types
A extra track should have the following values set if enabled is true
langcode or language
Changing the order of the tracks
Mediainfo will show you the default order of the tracks
If you need to change this order look into
--track-order on
you can pass this to PT-Muxer like
--otherargs \"-- track order [your args]\"
enabled: [bool] Whether or not to enable this extra track default=false
langcode: [string:2 char] used by mkvmerge to set track language. This is used to set the track language in "remux" mode default=null
lang: [string] Translation of langcode to the actual language. This is for convenience, and has no effect on "remux" mode default=null
filename: [string] auto retrieved name of filename used when scanning dir. default=autoretrived
site_title : used to set title for mediainfo, set to None for no title. This will affect "remux" mode default=null
bdinfo_title : just the title from bdinfo, changing this value has no effect default=placeholder
forced: [bool] whether to set the forced flag. Also can be set by changing the site_title to include "forced" default=false
type: [string] whether this is an audio, video, sub. This value should not be changed as it is used during the "remux" process default=false
commentary: [bool] Sets the Commentary flag to yes. Should be used for all audio and subtitle tracks that are commentary default=false
auditorydesc:[bool] Turn on for tracks that include auditory descriptions, sets the Visual impaired flag. Applies only to audio tracks default=false
original: [bool] Turn on for tracks in the movies original language,set the Original language flag. Applies only to audio tracks default=false
sdh:[bool] Turns on the Hearing impaired flag. Applies only to sub tracks default=false
textdesc: [bool] For subtitle tracks with text-based descriptions for the visually impaired that can be read via a screen reader. Applies only to sub tracks default=false
extra_options:[string] add extra mkvmerge commands default=null
default : [bool] whether to set the default flag in mkv. default=false
notes:[string] adds some notes about the track or things you changed default="Enter you own notes here"
extra_options: [string] add extra mkvmerge commands to track arguments are space separated
Unique Keys
These keys are unique to this section
enabled: [bool] Whether or not to enable this extra track
type: [string]: What type of track is this must be Audio,Video, Sub or will be ignored
Last updated