Controlling Enabled Tracks
Adding Track
Video Tracks always come first, next audio Tracks, lastly subtitle tracks You can change the order of the tracks within these three types
Track key
example below "be397184_en" is the track key
If we want this track to be included in the final remux it must be added to the appropriate section within Enabled_Tracks.
For example be397184_en must be added to the Audio Section
Changing order of Track
In the Track Details Section. Each Track is sorted with in 3 types audio, video, subtitle
Find the track, and copy its key
Go to the Enabled Tracks Section, you must find the list that that matches the tracks type
Put the track's key in the order that you want it to appear
Disabling Track
Find the track that you want to remove in the matching enabled tracks list
you can verify it's data in the matching Track Details subsection
To disable or remove from final mkv. Remove that track's key from the list
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