JSON Customization
Customize the final MKV
The JSON is output when you use the "demux" argument. This Provides lots of details on all the tracks and sources used during the run of the program. Some of the information is auto-filled, and the user can change the values if desired. Depending on what you change the settings to that will affect the final mkv produce
1. Movie
Data about the movie or TV show For TV shows use OCR/ subimages to confirm episode number
Changing any of these settings, other than langs will have an effect on "remux" mode langs data is present only for convenience
imdb: [string] imdb ID for Movie/TV show
tmdb: [string] themoviedb ID for Movie/TV show
languages: [list of string] Official Languages for movie or TV show
season: [int] the season, for TV shows only
episode: [int] the episode number, for TV shows only
title: [string] The title of the show
type: [string] Whether this is a TV or Movie. Based on data from IMDB or MAL
mal_id: [int] myanimelist id for the show, only applies to anime
enTitle: [string] only applies to anime, the english title of show
japTitle: [string] only applies to anime, the japanese title of the show
anisearch: [int] only applies to anime, animesesarch for the show
anidb: [int] only applies to anime, animedb id for the show
kitsu: [int] only applies to anime, kitsu id for the show
2. Sources
Basic data about the sources the user has utilized during the demuxing process. Each source has its own key with data inside of it
Note:Most of these values should not be changed.
As changing values here could cause "remux" mode to crash if they don't match
Source subsections keys
outputDir: [filepath] the location of the output files for the source
sourceDir: [filepath]The location of where the source is found
playlistNum: [int] What Number was entered as a response to the question "What playlist" during the demux process
playlistFile: [string] The playlist file the playlist number corresponds with
streamFiles: [list of strings] All the mt2s streams the JSON matches with. Will either match with BDINFO, or be one stream if --splitplaylist is on
length: [string] The Length of all the streamFiles combined
3. ChapterData
This section has information about the different chapters.
Changing the values here will affect the chapters in the final mkv in "remux" mode
time: [string] When the chapter starts
name: [string] What name to give the chapter
4. Enabled Tracks
Displays which Tracks will be added during the mkvmerge Process.
To see more details about a track match the string here or key to the Track Details Sections.
The demux Process will auto-add tracks to this section, but you can also add or remove appropriate tracks as well.
Enabled Tracks subsections
Video: [list of strings] keys for all the video Tracks to enable
Sub: [list of strings] keys for all the subtitle Tracks to enable
Audio: [list of strings] keys for all the audio Tracks to enable
5. Track Details
This section holds some Details about Each Track
The track has a hashed key. The hash is made using the source information and track title, and just in case the track index. It should be unique to each track and will stay the same. If you use the same source again.
Changing some values will have "no effect" on the final mkv produced in "remux" mode.
Track Detail subsections
This section is split into 3 subsection for the different track types. Video, Subtitle, Audio.
langcode: [string:2 char] used by mkvmerge to set track language. This is used to set the track language in "remux" mode
lang: [string] Translation of langcode to the actual language. This is for convenience, and has no effect on "remux" mode
site_title: [string] used to set title for mediainfo, set to None for no title. This will affect "remux" mode
bdinfo_title: [string] just the title from bdinfo, changing this value has no effect
index: [number] the track number. Video is usually 1. Next audio tracks, lastly subs. Changing this value has no effect
filename: [string] name of filename used when extracting track. This value should not be changed without changed the filename in the output folder as well
compat: [bool] u Used for embedded tracks i.e dolby digital inside true hd These are extracted automatically. Changing this value has no effect
parent: [string] title of track an embedded track was extracted from. changing this value has no effect
child: [string] embedded track title if present. changing this value has no effect
parentKey: [string] The key of the parent track. changing this value has no effect
childKey: [string] The key of the child track. changing this value has no effect
machine_parse: [list] if using ocr or voice rec. The gathered values will be here. See machine_parse or demux sections for more details
length: [number] will display how long, and how many subs a track has. Changing this value has no effect
default: [bool] whether to set the default flag in mkv.
forced: [bool] whether to set the forced flag. Also can be set by changing the site_title to include "forced"
sourceDir: [filepath] The original location of the bdmv used to extract track, This should not be changed as it is used during the "remux" process
sourceKey: [string] the key of the source in the JSON that the track is tied to, This should not be changed as it is used during the "remux" process
type: [string] whether this is an audio, video, sub-track. This value should not be changed as it is used during the "remux" process
commentary: [bool] Sets the Commentary flag to yes. Should be used for all audio and subtitle tracks that are commentary
auditorydesc:[bool] Turn on for tracks that include auditory descriptions, sets the Visual impaired flag. Applies only to audio tracks
original: [bool] Turn on for tracks in the movies original language,set the Original language flag. Applies only to audio tracks
sdh:[bool] Turns on the Hearing impaired flag. Applies only to sub tracks
textdesc: [bool] For subtitle tracks with text-based descriptions for the visually impaired that can be read via a screen reader. Applies only to sub tracks
extra_options:[string] add extra mkvmerge commands to track arguments are space separated
notes:[string] adds some notes about the track or things you changed
6. Extra_Tracks
Section for tracks added via the --extra command during demuxing
See: https://ptmuxer.gitbook.io/api-docs/advanced/adding-extra-tracks
filename: auto retrieved
site_title : default=placeholder
bdinfo_title : default=placeholder
langcode : default=null
lang : default=null
default : default=false
forced : default=false
notes default: "Enter you own notes here"
extra_options: default=null
type: default=null
textdesc: default=false
original: default=false
auditorydesc: default=false
commentary: default=false
Unique Keys
These keys are unique to this section
enabled: [bool] Whether or not to enable this extra track default=false
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